Monthly Archives: February 2020

SMEmPOWER Efficiency

Bucharest, 28.02.2020: Roxana Boboruta and Juergen Raizner attended Energy Efficiency Seminar organized within Horizon 2020 funded project "SMEmPower Efficiency". Steinbeis was invited to present Learning Energy Efficiency Networks as best practice from Germany, ready for implementation in Romania. SMEmPOWER Efficiency aims to empower the knowledge and skills of at least 720 energy experts of SMEs [...]read more »

Steinbeis at ifempower event in Porto

Porto, 02.02.-06.02.2020: consortium meeting, expert training and multiplier event - an intensive work program has been completed. ifempower entrepreneurship modul is ready for implementation at partner universities. ifempower mentorship program, elaborated by Steinbeis, is accepted.  Main subjects of transnational meeting of partners were focused on implementing mentorship program and on establshing entrepreneurship support points in [...]read more »