Author Archives: admin

16th Global Supply Chain and Logistic Summit

Dubai, 23.11.2023: Steinbeis' presentation, titled "Navigating the Future: Innovation and Strategic Partnerships for a Changing World," delved into the evolving dynamics of global trade and logistics, offering insights into how innovation and strategic partnerships can shape a resilient and prosperous more »

Experience Exchange on Energy Efficiency of Buildings

Stuttgart, 18.-21.04.23: 19 experts from Romania received an insight into methods and solutions for the energy-efficient refurbishment of buildings  in Germany. The exchange of experiences is part of the German-Romanian cooperation project for the greenhouse gas mitigation in the Danube more »

4th Parliamentary Hearing on nZEB Standards

Bucharest, 22.11.22: Thematic focus of the parliamentary hearing was the use of sustainable materials to increase the energy efficiency of buildings. Where do innovations come from and how can they be promoted in Romania? Jurgen Raizner talked about possible solutions at the more »

Scientific Symposium “Deltas & Wetlands”

Tulcea, 02.06.2022: Jurgen Raizner speaks about technology transfer at the symposium "Deltas and Wetlands". Question to the participants: whose knowledge leads to innovations. The knowledge generated by researchers or the market knowledge of entrepreneurs?read more »

DanubeDay Dubai

06.03.2022: The Steinbeis team at EXPO DUBAI. As a partner of the Danube Macro Region Business Week and co-organiser of DanubeDay Dubai. A review, impressions and OUTLOOK!

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nZEB Standards. Conference in Romanian Parliament

28.10.2021, Bucharest: the second edition of the conference "nZEB Standards - Energy Efficiency and Building Materials" at the Palace of Parliament, event organized by Oana Marciana Ozmen, Secretary of the Committee on Industry and Services from Romanian Parliament; Anca Dragu, President of the Romanian Senate and Sándor Bende, Chairman of the Committee on Industry and [...]read more »

ifempower Winter School

31.01.-05.02.2021: First ifempower event 2021 was held under the title ‘How does the idea become a business? Matchmaking and knowledge exchange for business angels, female entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs, experts and other stakeholders’. It aimed to provide a platform for matchmaking and online knowledge exchange for business angels, entrepreneurs, experts and other stakeholders. Since the event was [...]read more »