Danube Macro Region Business Week

 Opening Event | 21.06.2023 | Vienna

A group of internationally experienced experts met for the opening of this year’s Danube Macro Region Business Week (DMRBW) in Vienna. Among the panellists: Jürgen Raizner, Head of the Steinbeis Danube Center and other Steinbeis companies.

The DMRBW is known as an important platform for the exchange of know-how, business opportunities and cooperation in the Danube macro-region. In this context, the DMRBW stands out for its geographical coverage, which extends far beyond the Danube region. Connectivity with South-East Asia, the Gulf region and, more recently, North Africa is a major concern of the DMRBW. For this very reason, the DMRBW is pleased about the new cooperation with the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna. This renowned institution will work closely with the DMRBW in the future to expand the network of participants and promote the importance of the Danube macro-region at the international level. Ambassador Emil Brix, Director of the Academy, made it clear in his opening speech that there is still a lot of untapped potential for transregional cooperation. However, it is also desirable that the structures of the European institutions and programmes do even more justice to the concerns of the Eastern members. In spite of all cooperation, individualism and liberalism are to be relied upon. Turning away from this leads to centralised economic planning. The Austrian Nobel Prize winner Friedrich A. v. Hayek warned against this early on. Bernhard Pichler, head and founder of the Hayek Club Salzburg, spoke about his view of “The Road to Serfdom”.

Organiser Ernst Schmid recalled the highlight of last year’s DMRBW, the special event at the EXPO in Dubai. As in Dubai, the active participants this time were: Franz Nauschnigg (Austria), Dr Ting Ho (Malaysia), Georgiana Constantin-Parke (USA).

Other key topics of the DMRBW:

  • Securing the international supply chains
  • “From Money to Projects & From Projects to Money”
  • Adjustment of Eastern Business: Ukraine, Moldova, Russia

The carefully balanced focus on these areas has the potential to sustainably shape and improve the business landscape of the Danube region.

These topics were also part of diverse discussions at the Export Day of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. Juergen Raizner took part and will intensify the relationship with companies in Austria with his Austrian Steinbeis Centre. The centre is part of the Steinbeis Group OST-WEST and is closely linked to Raizner’s Steinbeis companies in Germany, Romania, Ukraine and Azerbaijan.