Sign the EDAPHIC-BLOOM Covenant.

Share a vision for a sustainable future.

The stakeholders share a common 2050 vision towards:

  • Decarbonised territories, thus contributing to keeping average global warming well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, in line with the international climate agreement reached at COP 21 in Paris in December 2015;
  • More resilient territories, thus preparing for the unavoidable adverse impacts of climate change;
  • Universal access to sustainable activities for all, thus enhancing quality of life.

The stakeholders commit to:

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) on the territory of their municipalities by at least 40% by 2030, namely through sustainable activities;
  • Increase resilience by adapting and best practices exchange.

In order to make sure that the Covenant results are anchored in local and regional policies, relevant stakeholders (law makers, civil society, businesses etc) will be involved as a Regional Stakeholder Group and sustain replication / upscaling.

EDAPHIC-BLOOM Danube is a project funded by European Climate Initiative and aims for:

  • Capacity building to improve national GHG reporting on organic soils;
  • Supporting decision making through development of a Master Plan (MP) and good practices guides for reducing the GHG emissions in the area;
  • Setting up a Cluster for Sustainable Development of the Lower Danube Plain and Danube Delta;
  • Stakeholder engagement for an efficient dialogue, exchange of good practices, awareness raising and knowledge transfer;
  • Energy efficiency enhancement in the built environment sector in Dobrogea region, Romania, by increasing capacities of public officers and built environment professionals;
  • Creating an online Platform to widen the access to energy information and support the development of future retrofit projects;
  • Raising public awareness on energy practices and empowering civil society for action and behaviour change towards energy savings.

Project description and partners. Read more.


Sign the Covenant of Stakeholders for Decarbonisation in the Lower Danube Floodplains & Danube Delta.

Download Covenant:

Further invitation (1)

Stakeholders are invited to mobilise and share expertise, know-how, technology and financial resources that complement and strengthen EDAPHIC-BLOOM Danube’s local efforts, scale up capacity-building, foster innovation and boost investment and to become active players in the sustainable transition and support us by getting involved in community action.

Further invitation (2)

Become member of the Cluster for Sustainable Development of the Lower Danube Plain and Danube Delta. The foundation of the cluster is in preparation.

We have signed the Covenant!

And we go further.