
Multiplier Event 2021 – The winners

Best Pitch Award

Sara Mariottini
Sara Mariottini

Sara Mariottini – Enjoy IT

“It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.” (Benjamin Franklin)

Everyone knows the importance of companies’ reputations. Strong positive reputations attract better people…and better costumers! The customers are more loyal and buy broader ranges of products and services. Most companies do an inadequate job of managing their reputations and they realise their mistake when it is too late. The bad reputation costs you a lot of money and makes you lose key customers! Since reputation is social perception, it is perception that must be measured. This is why EnjoIT was born. It is a statistical consulting service which uses and processes big data and small data for the Natural Language Processing (deep learning and machine learning techniques).

How EnjoIT can improve your business? How it protects and strengthens your reputational brand? In six different ways!

  1. Effective use of social media: connect with new costumers, reveal new needs, topics of interest, social issues. Take advantage of trends to benefit your company brand!
  2. Strategic media intelligence: improve your marketing campaigns with Artificial Intelligence. We will give you the complete overview to know which the most effective strategy is considering cross-cultural analysis.
  3. Reach new costumer: find and select the right influencers, generate traffic for your website using social media.
  4. Sentiment Analysis: with NLP we can understand why your actual costumers are not happy. We help your company to enhance or upgrade your products and services. We can understand what really matters to your clients.
  5. Help the CEO to build a powerful brand reputation and a communication plan during the crisis corporative image (crisis management process.). The most important step of your crisis plan occurs before problem exists!
  6. Is it already too late? No problem, we also take care of reputation recovery process. 

So, don’t you know how to use your data? Keep calm, relax…EnjoIT!

Best Business Plan Award

Petra Böhm
Petra Böhm

Petra Böhm

My name is Petra Böhm, I live in Hungary and I have a strong commitment to hospitality and gastronomy. My business idea and my biggest dream is ti establish a specialty coffee bar in Veszprém which is a county seat of Hungary, near the Lake Balaton. The main aim of the Mákvirág coffee bar, this is how I would call my coffee bar, is to provide a cosy meeting place for customers where they can enjoy the unique taste of specialty coffee and choose from a variety of healthy cookies, cakes, sourdough sandwiches and bakery products. I would also like to strengthen the specialty coffee culture and the hospitality industry in Veszprém, as well as promote and support the local farmers and craftsman by selling their high-quality materials and products. I would emphasize the values of quality, health, sustainability, and traceability. With its modern, cosy, friendly atmosphere, and its smooth, polite customer service operation, Mákvirág ensures that each customer is treated uniquely. I would like to give them a memorable coffee experience that is worth to come back for.

Audience Award

Anabella Bagoly
Anabella Bagoly

Anabella Bagoly

The basic entrepreneurial idea is founding an association which occupies with creating a uniqe communicational chanel between nursing homes and orphanages. Using as few external sources as possible, starting from the members of the target group. These two institutes may seem to embrace two totally different layers, but with a small modification in the process those people would be able to double their resources and social benefits only by satisfying each other’s social needs. From my personal point of view we mustn’t let the elderly people to feel useless only because they are no longer capapble of sustaining themselfs, they can’t take active part in social tasks. I am convinced, that they have their exact mission, one of these missions could be passing on their knowledge, experiences from different fields. Considering, that the old people together with the orphans are doubly disadvantageous, they would be able to strengthen each other.  In terms of that this chanel would connect children with olders, and the members who are working on this communication to be succesful are adults the association would cover and employ all ages, fulfilling one of the primary human needs: being member of  a family. Building up this tiny community from varied members would make possible to embrace the marginalized layers of the society developing a win-win situation.

Best Innovative

Ana Isabel Rodriguez Martinez

As an entrepreneur, sometimes spending some hours in an event does not compensate in order to get 2 or 3 interesting contacts at the end”_ Testimony of an entrepreneur interviewed. The world of event management is complicated, meeting the interests of our partners, having a good number of attendees, sponsors, taking our investors to scalable startups and with good numbers, in addition to generating good networking and better engagement with our event.  After a survey of more than 50 users we elucidated that the last value proposition sought in the events is to meet and exchange contacts of real value for our profiles or companies. This value proposition decreases in online events due to the difficulty of exchanging impressions during coffee breaks or meals.

This is where Rubik Café is born. Rubik Café is an app that supports event organizers, investing this efficiency in its value proposition.

With Rubik Café our users will be able to see before the event begins,  the profiles of the attendees and book a coffee break with any of them to enjoy an online chat.

In addition these users could create their own events and have meetings in all the coffee breaks and meal times.

Rubik Café is our online networking solution.

Enjoy the coffee break of your event, enjoy the serendipity.