Modernizing Ports in Danube Region
A growing market for those who provide technologies, equipment and services for modernizing ports.
Main objective of European Commission regarding Danube is to increase the cargo transport on the river by 20% by 2020 compared to 2010. Investments in modernizing ports are necessary and planned. Equipment, technologies and knowledge are needed to bring European best practice to the region. The European Union Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) was adopted 2010. Funding of projects and implementing solutions started.
There are approximately 70 ports along 2,414 km length of Danube and out of these only those in Germany and Austria display an adequate level of infrastructure, modern facilities and technologies that allow them to provide high-quality transport & logistics services with a substantially reduced negative effect on environment.
Relevant targets according the endorsed Action Plan to implement EUSDR:
- To develop ports in the Danube river basin into multimodal logistics centres
Key tasks: draft coordinated and harmonised development concept for multimodal ports; involve Danube countries and relevant stakeholders; elaborate or review national port development plans for integration into local and regional development strategies
- To promote sustainable freight transport in the Danube Region
Key tasks: establish intermodal interfaces (ports) especially between inland navigation and railway freight transport, thus helping increase multimodal freight transport
A Master Plan for the Danube and its navigable tributaries is developed and includes National Action Plans. 14 countries belong to the extended Danube Region.
EUSDR connects the region. One Priority Area (PA 1a) of the strategy is “To improve movility and intermodiality of inland waterways” and is coordinated by Austria and Romania. Flagship projects are developed, e.g. “DAPhNE”: facilitating Danube ports to become key-elements of a more efficient and sustainable transport network in the Danube region. A high-level Steering Group is established. Working groups exist and meet twice a year in order to coordinate actions.
Our group of Steinbeis Centers is directly involved in the cross-thematic governemnece structure of EUSDR: co-leader of working group “Innovation and Technology Transfer” and in this function member of Steering Group of Priority Area 8 (strengthening competitiveness). We are member of bilateral Mixed Governmental Commissions of Baden-Württember with Danube Countries, e.g. Bulgaria, Romannia, Serbia. We are in touch with members of the Steering Groups, Working Groups and more than that due to active project work in the Danube Region for about 20 years we know the economic situation of Region.
EUSDR brings sustainable development to the Danube Region. But it is also generating business opportunities. We know what could be done and how you benefit form this development.
Ongoing or planned projects. Examples:
1. High Performance Green Port Giurgiu
Transform the Port of Giurgiu into the first “Green Danube Port” based on integrated energy-efficiency concepts and comprehensive environmental measures for intermodal ports. Specific objective is to upgrade the transport infrastructure in Giurgiu Free Zone Port to provide logistics services as competitive as those offerred on the Upper Danube. It is also planned to increase the port‘s capacity by procuring cranes and state of the art handling equipment. Another objective is to build the 1st all-weather intermodal terminal on the Lower Danube. The annual capacity of the port will be increased from 60.000 t (2013) to 300.000 t (2026)
2. Vukovar, Croatia
The New port of Vukovar project encompasses the construction of infrastructural port facilities, bank, road and rail as well as communal infrastructure, port loading and unloading equipment and the construction and acquisition of terminal-related equipment for: Bulk cargo terminal, multi-purpose terminal and ship supply management and collection of waste liquids from vessels.
3. Osijek, Croatia
As the “old port” of Osijek is located directly in the City of Osijek at Drava river-km 18, facilities on the old port area need to be relocated to the “new port”. This predominantly includes the construction of a quay for the transhipment of bulk cargo together with storage areas, conveyor belts, crane tracks, extension of old and creation of new rail and road connections as well as other facilities required for the operation of the terminal. Building and reconstruction of the south quay in the Port of Osijek consists of the construction of port roads with other infrastructure, in particular comunication lines and communal infrastructure in the port area, and the construction of a container terminal (upstream from the bulk cargo terminal) which includes 330 m of new vertical quay with 3 beerths. Phase II of building and reconstruction of the south quay in the Port of Osijek consists of the construction of a Ro-Ro terminal, with slope ramp and related manipulation elements for vehicles, at a total length of 150m and the reconstruction of the existing vertical and inclined quay at a total length of 410 m, including 4 berths.
4. Galati, Romania
The Port of Galati is located on the maritime sector of the Danube River and is a part of the TEN-T comprehensive network. The project includes hydrotechnical works for the modernisation of the port’s infrastructure, i.e. rehabilitation of stone-lined wharves, vertical wharves and projecting quays.
5. Additional projects in Romania:
Tulcea, Galati, Cernavoda, Calarasi, Calafat, Drobeta Turnu Severin, Constanta (sea port)