European Early Innovators Initiative
European Early Innovators Innitiative (EEII) is a project funded from Danube Strategic Project Fund, initiated by competent actors from 4 countries (Romania, Italy, Ukraine and Slovakia) and which resulted as an opportunity to diminish gaps in the current situation from Danube region when it comes to innovation and research in terms of market needs. A guide summarizing available facilities and programs for young researchers is one of the most important documents for entrepreneurship in science. Best practices examples for public-private partnership were identified and analysed in order to guide youth into studying STEM (science, technology, enineering, mathematics). 9 young scientists (Romania, Ukraine, Slovakia) were coached in Trieste on presenting their ideas to business partners. Main purpose of the project was to find solutions to diminish gaps between Eastern and Western Danube region and encourge young researchers to perform market-based research in order to strenghten university-industry collaboration.
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