Global Supply Chain and Logistics Summit

“Romania and Ukraine as Bridges for East-West Cooperation”

Dubai, 17.11.2022

The (post-)pandemic reality: supply chains are disrupted. War in Ukraine creates more trouble than growing energy costs or growing logistic costs. However, companies have to deal with the new situation. Many things have to be done differently than before. Raizner told the participants at the Global Supply Chain and Logistics Summit exactly what.

Connecting Middle East with Danube Region:

For goods from the east, the ports in Constanta and Galati are the gateway to Europe, both representing maritime connections to the Rhine-Danube corridor. The expansion of capacities and the increase in efficiency of both ports are necessary and require considerable investments. Local initiatives are to be embedded in the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. The priorities of macro-regional development are specified in this strategy. The complex challenges of new supply chains require holistic solutions and this very strategy.

Parts of Ukraine also belong to the Danube region. No one knows when the war will end. Preparations for the reconstruction of Ukraine must be made now. That basic infrastructure needs to be repaired throughout the country is common knowledge. But Raizner also points to the urgency of building up the industry which was mainly located in the east of the country and is destroyed now. The resettlement to other regions of the country is necessary and will contribute to Ukraine’s future economic strength. Steinbeis ist in der Ukraine mit einer Niederlassung vertreten und wird das Engagement intensivieren. Ausländische Partner und Investoren sind eingeladen, am Aufbau mitzuwirken.

Supply Chain & Logistic Group:

“This summit held annually in Dubai is now acknowledged as the biggest and the most informative thought leadership conference for supply chain and logistics industry in Middle East, Asian subcontinent, Turkey, Central & East Europe and Africa region.”
