Smart Business | Arena of Integration

What products to offer? For many years this was a major question in doing business. Nowadays customers ask for solutions and do not provide detailed descriptions of what the final product must look like. In order to elaborate innovative solutions, competencies across industrial sectors must be combined. And: available time for innovation becomes shorter and shorter. Collaboration is even more important than ever before. Principles of digitalization and Industry 4.0 must be applied to facilitate new models of collaboration. 

Baden-Wuerttemberg State Network Mechatronics and Steinbeis Romania support collaboration according this approach in all Danube Region. Initiative of both institutions will help enterprises to access new markets and to find additional customers.

For the preparation of target-oriented discussions, we kindly ask you to provide information about your business activities. Please send us the following registration form: Download


Areas of competence (examples): Automation & Components + Quality + IT + Blockchain & AI + Simulation + Clouding & Data + Processes & Services + R&D …

… to be applied in every industrial sector. Website of Network Mechatronics shows a database of partners/members in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Arena of Integration

To present possible solutions to customers, State Network Mechatronik BW (Baden-Wuerttemberg) developed “Arena of Integration”. Groups of companies present use-cases, project- and object oriented solutions aiming to achieve smart factory concept.

Next Arena of Integration will take place October 5th-8th, 2020, in Stuttgart, embedded in MOTEK, the international trade fair for automation in production and assembly. Use-cases are under construction already.

There are plans to go international with Arena of Integration. Steinbeis Romania supports those plans. Opportunities:

a) become member of a international group that designs and presents a use-case in Germany

b) be partner for organising an Arena of Integration what will take place in Romania or in another country of Danube Region

c) check use-cases and take the chance to apply the proposed solution for developing your business