SMEmPOWER Efficiency

Bucharest, 28.02.2020: Roxana Boboruta and Juergen Raizner attended Energy Efficiency Seminar organized within Horizon 2020 funded project “SMEmPower Efficiency”. Steinbeis was invited to present Learning Energy Efficiency Networks as best practice from Germany, ready for implementation in Romania.

SMEmPOWER Efficiency aims to

  • empower the knowledge and skills of at least 720 energy experts of SMEs and connect them into a platform
  • elaborate concrete energy savings proposals in at least 160 selected SMEs pilot sites
  • facilitate the connection with over 5000 energy professionals through the web platform.
  • enhance the energy efficiency of at least 80 pilot sites

Project website

Meassures to optimize energy efficiency require investments. To achieve a quick return of investment is cruicle success factor in promoting energy efficiency. Juergen Raizner introduced Learning Energy Efficiency Networks to the participants of the event.

Steinbeis is supporting actions aimed to improve framework in order to promote best practice examples. One of these initiatives is “Romania Eficienta” project to which Steinbeis center from Bucharest is willing to contribute by organizing expericence exchange mission.

Also in the field of energy efficiency, Steinbeis Transfer Management is willing to facilitate projects with Icelandic partners or to join international consortiums based on exchanging best practices. December 2019 was dedicted to build connections with most important companies from Iceland providing services for geothermal energy and energy efficiency in general.

We thank SAMER, Society of Auditors and Energy Manager from Romania, and Servelect for organising a high level seminar – and for inviting us.

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