26.06.2019, Bucharest: Youth - Entrepreneurship - Science. YES! EUSDR. Steinbeis Romania organised this official side event to Annual Forum of EU Strategy for Danube Region. For details, please go to our Event more »

Romania: EUSDR National Forum

Opening session with Mr. Popescu-Tariceanu, President of Senate, and Mr. Negrescu, Minister Delegate for European Affairs Mr. Eric Bartha, General Secretary of Council of Danube Cities and Regions, highlights the necessity of collaboration across macro-regions Mrs. Cristiana Sarbu, Executive President, Ecological Initiative and Sustainable Development Group: EUSDR in tradition of 100 years Danube International more »

CoDCR and Steinbeis

Extended Executive Committee of the Council of Danube Cities and Regions (CoDCR) meets in Sofia. There was a noticeable low participation of mayors. However, there is a clear commitment to strengthening capacities to develop projects by using existing facilities, e.g. the status of CoDCR as legal entity. CoDCR’s general secretariat in Bucharest supports new Romanian [...]read more »

CoDCR meeting Ulm

The Extended Executive Committee of the Council of Danube Cities and Regions (CoDCR) meets in Ulm. Jürgen Raizner, also director of the Steinbeis Enterprise in Romania, welcomes the mayors of 4 Romanian Danube cities. Representatives from 10 countries of Danube Region meet for 2 days in Ulm. Under the working title “SMART, SUSTAINABLE AND SOCIAL […]

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Danube Environmental Forum 2013

27.-29.06.2013, Tulcea: A better environment for a better life. Representatives from government, business and research discuss how the EU Danube Strategy can help to improve the environmental situation. STM director Jürgen Raizner was invited by Edward Brafanof, the governor of the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. Another 150 experts accepted his invitations. Among them: Vladimir Sucha [...]read more »