DanubeDay Dubai

06.03.2022: The Steinbeis team at EXPO DUBAI. As a partner of the Danube Macro Region Business Week and co-organiser of DanubeDay Dubai. A review, impressions and OUTLOOK!

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Jump to Smart

Bucharest, 04/05.11.2020: What does a city need to become "smart"? Sessions on transportation & traffic, future of education, digitalization - and projects! A high-level event with knowledge inputs from UK, Netherlands, Germany, Estonia and Finland.read more »

Investment Management Exhibition (IME) 2020

Frankfurt, 08./09.09.2020: IME brought investors and project promoters together. Trends in foreign investment, gender aspects and attractive investment opportunities were discussed. Regional highlights: Romania and Kosovo, Latin America and Africa. STC director Juergen Raizner has been invited as keynote speaker and was accompanied by Roxana Boboruta, project manager of Steinbeis Germany and Steinbeis Romania.read more »