Doing Business. Plus:

 Tackling Societal Challenges and Taking over Responsibilities

Our work for business customers, companies and entrepreneurs, leads to a deep understanding of their competenices, their performance and to insights into the obstacles they face in doing business. On basis of this knowledge we develop suitable solutions which are target oriented towards a business friendly environment. To strenghten the impact and to speed-up the process we create new networks, contribute to capacity building and provide support to international and governmental institutions.


Board member of Council of Danube Cities and Regions (CODCR)

Memorandum of Understanding with CoDCR was signed in 2011 already. In same year CoDCR became a legal entity with Juergen Raizner as one of the co-founders. CoDCR is registered in Bucharest, Brussels and Ulm.

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Promoter of European Macro-Regional Strategies

STM is active in developing and implementing EU Strategy for the Danube Region from very beginning (2010). Juergen Raizner was co-leader of working group “Innovation and Technology Transfer”, attended official Steering Group Meetings, provided Technical Assistance services to co-ordinator of PA 8 and was also member of Romanian Advisory Board of EUSDR. Several projects and initiatives result from this contribution. Connections to EUSALP and EUSAIR are established.

Expert in Joint Governmental Commissions

Baden-Wuerttemberg and some countries of Danube Region organise collaboration in bilateral Governmental Commissions. Juergen Raizner was invited expert to meetings of Joint Governmental Commissions with Croatia, Hungary, Romania and Serbia – frequently since 2010. As expert for competitiveness, innovation and university-industry collaboration, Juergen Raizner initiates suitable projects what are included in agreed bilateral work programs.

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Initiator of German Night in Bucharest

STM became co-organizer of the German Night in Bucharest. German and Romanian enterprises and people work a lot together. However, more collaboration is possible. Basis for that is a positive and good understanding of each other – and this can be developed in best way when meeting outside of office, by celebrating together. Juergen Raizner is active member of a music group in Germany. Being also its manager, the group was following him to Romania – for fourth time already.

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Founding member of “Fabrica de Sanatate”

A cluster for health tourism in Romania is established. Juergen Raizner was appointed vice-president for international relationships. Co-founders come from public administration, research sector as well as from health and tourism business.

Founding member of Romanian Textile Concept

STM is involved since very beginning, 2011: “Solving together the common problems” in textile industry. The specific goals set by the cluster are related to increasing the competitiveness in terms of products, labour force, distribution and access to new markets through innovation, research, marketing tools and methods of communication, of training – education for the work force involved.

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