For Your Success | Services for Romanian Enterprises

Our activities are focused on your individual requirements. Together with you we will hold a comprehensive discussion regarding the goals you wish to achieve. From these considerations we will develop an appropriate conception. This is basis for our service offer to you.

Main target regions for international business are Germany and Austria – in both countries we are located with own Steinbeis Centers. We also would like to put your attention on new markets, e.g. Russia, Ukraine, Kazhakstan and other markets of central Asia. We are used to work in more than 20 countries. Please do not hesitate to ask for details on how you can benefit from our experiences.

Services - Descriptions

Enterprise Competence Check

As suppliers or manufacturer from Romania, you have to do more than produce “cheaply”. Quality and adherence to delivery dates have always been important for German and Austrian industry. An analysis will serve for both company self-assesement and as an annex to strenghten recommendation in case of collaborating with foreign companies. The instrument for the holistic analysis of corporate competencies was developed by Steinbeis. In Romania STM offers this competence check to enterprises what want to strengthen their competitiveness, innovativeness and profitability. Continue reading

Professional training

In conformity with your individual interests we offer you advanced training courses: either in Germany or at your site. Here are some of the subjects: German market development, project management, competitive growth, innovations, the program on enterprises foundation and financing… There is a rich variety of subjects, but anyway, they are all focused on entrepreneur’s practical needs.


    • Innovation management
    • EU funding / project management
    • new markets: aerospace industry (example)
    • strengthening business: corporate positioning (example)
Export to Germany and Austria

One of the most important directions of our activity and your interests is the search for your German and Austrian customers. For this purpose we have developed standard services that proved to be very effective. Besides, we will be pleased to work out special projects on the German and Austrian market development – in accordance with your needs and strengths. Our standard services for promoting your exports:


Your company and your offer will be presented on the Steinbeis Transfer Center website. STC will create for you a separate page on its site. The information will be displayed in the German language. Your company’s photo/logo and the link to your own website will be presented as well. The STC website is registered in numerous search engines and widely spread in the Internet.


The basic ToGer service is maintained. Presentation of a company and its line of goods is expanded to 3 to 4 pages. STC additionally assesses your company’s performance. On the basis of this assessment STC substantiates and gives well-defined recommendations regarding your chances for cooperation with German firms.


The ToGerPlus service is maintained. Beside your company’s presentation, analysis and recommendations, STC carries out the selection of potential customers and partners for cooperation in Germany. They receive a letter of recommendation from STC with your company’s description. The numbers of firms, to whom such offers will be sent, is negotiated with you.

Choosing German and Austrian suppliers

There is a wide variety of offers. We will find you an optimal supplier and help you choose the best offer of all. If you intend to import goods, equipment or services from Germany, please feel free to contact us.

Arrangement and support of business travels to Germany or to Austria.

Visiting firms, expositions, … Tell us your range of interests, and we will take care of all the things needed for your successful trip to Germany or Austria.

Future success needs preparations today.

Competitivenes requires innovation. Our professional consultants explain you how to become innovative. And our growing network of researcher provide the technical solutions for you. Project work is team work. One knows best the market, another one understands the processes and the third contributes with knowledge on technologies. Make use of proven experiences in bringing the right experts together.

Support by our Steinbeis Transfer Centers in Romania

Our Steinbeis Centers provide individual services according the specialisation of the hosting university or chosen priorities. Steinbeis Centers are established at universities in Alba Iulia, Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Galati and Timisoara. Continue reading about Steinbeis Network Romania.

Search for investors in Germany and Austria

Do you have a business proposal or maybe even a new development project – or are you just looking for a partner to cooperate with? We will be glad to submit your proposals to potential investors in Germany and Austria for consideration.

Interested in investors from other countries? We are linked with international institutions and are member of multinational networks. This allows to present your project to the most promising actors.

Services - Overview