EDAPHIC-BLOOM | International Scientific Symposium

Mitigate Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Danube Region

20.05.-21.05.2021 | online

On May 20th – 21st, 2021 an international scientific symposium will take place which serves as a framework for discussions on the environmental objectives of the EDAPHIC BLOOM project. During the event, a Stakeholder Pact for decarbonisation in the target region will be initiated, based on a sustainable development cluster. Symposium is organized as online event.

The aim of the International Symposium is to create a framework for discussion on the environmental objectives of the project with specialists from research institutions and universities, central and local public authorities, private companies, NGOs and civil society and the impact on sustainable development and the European Climate Pact.

Please find here the official webpage of the event with details of agenda and speakers.

Feel free to share the event invitation. Participation is free of charge. 

Jurgen Raizner, director of Steinbeis Danube Center will contribute to symposium program in both days of the event:

  • May 20th: „Section III: Setting up a Sustainable Development Cluster (SDC) of the Lower Danube Floodplains and Danube Delta”
  • May 21st: Section II: Sustainable Energy Transitions

“Ecological resizing through urban and rural actions & dialogues for greenhouse gas mitigation in the Lower Danube Floodplains & Danube Delta”


is financed by 

European Climate Change Initiative (EUKI)

about project

EDAPHIC BLOOM is an excellent example of how local authorities can benefit from the results of applied research in order to solve problems or implement various official strategies. In summary, examples of benefits are the following:

  • A cluster for sustainable development will be created in Danube floodplain and the Danube Delta with the role of facilitating the dialogue between the research environment (Romania and Germany), the private environment and public authorities;
  • A map of energy efficiency through a platform so that energy audit certificates in buildings can be accessed online. The platform will pass into the administration of Tulcea City Hall (after the end of the project) and will have other functions useful to public management;
  • At least 20 experts will receive training according to the “Passivhaus Standard” in Germany;
  • A comprehensive guide and tools, as well as advice for the sustainable and profitable use of soils in target areas to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will be made available to public and private entities.

Consortium is led by Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Development (DDNI) from Romania. Additional project partners:

  • General Secretariat of the Government – Department of Sustainable Development
  • Romanian Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests
  • Tulcea Municipality
  • National Research and Development Institute for Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Environment (ICPA)
  • National Institute for Research and Development in Construction, Urban Planning and Sustainable Spatial Development
  • University of Applied Science Karlsruhe
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Continue reading on our project website.