Jürgen Raizner | Founder Steinbeis Romania

Professional. Passionate. Powerful.

From Western Germany to Eastern Europe. Since 1991.


How to be a reliable partner in doing international business? Basis is a profound understanding of the target region. Frequent work sessions on site are a must. My personal availabilty is a proven success factor.

Founded Steinbeis Enterprises

Steinbeis Transfer Center

EAST-WEST Joint-Ventures

Stuttgart Region – Germany


Steinbeis Transfer Management S.r.l.

Bucharest – Romania


Steinbeis Innovation Center

Steinbeis Danube Center

Stuttgart – Germany


Steinbeis Transfer Center

Steinbeis Danube Center

Vienna – Austria


Steinbeis Transfer Management Ltd.

Uzhgorod – Ukraine


Updating Knowledge

Lifelong learning in practice: Jürgen Raizner invests in strengthening his competences. Every year he attends to several trainings for entrepreneurs and for professors in order to ensure most competitive capabilities in achieving the targets of Steinbeis’ customers.

Jürgen Raizner is Steinbeis’s Certified Consultant!