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From City to Smart City

Bucharest, 04./05.11.2020: Steinbeis Romania is partner of conference “From City to Smart City”

After local elections held this autumn, conference “From City to Smart City” is Romania’s biggest platform on smart city subject for plenty of leaders: among them lord mayors of Bucharest, Mr. Nicusor Dan, and of Cluj-Napoca, Mr. Emil Boc. Have a look on the agenda and find out about more speakers. Videos of their presentations are online. Find out about challenges and solutions – and let us benefit from “Jump to Smart” together.

What does a city need to become “smart”?

Main subject of the two-day conference was focused on discussing what leaders of important Romanian cities plan to achieve more administrative efficiency, to upgrade daily life through smart manners and to apply best EU practices. High level representatives from innovative enterprises pointed out what fantastic business opportunities ariese when a city becomes smart.

High-quality audience formed by local administration leaders creates amazing auspices for applying new technologies. Plenty of solutions and best practices on the way to be applied need profound understanding of the Romanian environment: what would work, what would not work and what can be adapted with the support of real experts. That is why we use our network of Steinbeis Transfer Centers to put all the diligenicies to accompany smart city initiatives with technology transfer.

jumptosmart.ro is an event platform, created 4 years ago by SMARTiCITY. Together we promote the concept of smart city through conferences and other events, but also by training experts in education, digitization, transport, mobility, energy, health, etc. At their events they have ministers, state secretaries, mayors, city managers, representatives of international institutions as well as top leaders of companies from Romania and abroad.

Steinbeis’ project manager Roxana Boboruta coordinates communication and meetings between organizer, host and participants. Further events are in preparation. Roxana Boboruta is contact person for smart city events – and more than that: she is available for discussing initiatives and project ideas that make cities smart: Triggering Smart Cities.

Besides being partner and host of the event, Steinbeis in Romania shared experiences  on a panel discussion what took place on second day:

The future of education. The workforce of the future

  • Major economic, social and technological trends that influence education.
  • Industry-school / industry–school–government partnership. Entreprenurial education.
  • Education and industry – face to face. The labor market in 2030.
  • Entrepreneurship in schools. Dual education system. Solutions for the labor crisis.
  • The digital transformation of education. The impact of the artificial intelligence. Innovation and creativity in schools

Jurgen Raizner, founder of Steinbeis Romania, emphasized during this panel the need that Romanian enterprises become more competetive. Future worksforce has to contribute to innovation. Professors and teachers must learn continuesly about challenges and opportunities of the market and. They must adapt content and way of teaching to the needs of the young generation. More important than knowledge is the ability to apply knowledge.

Steinbeis Romania implements projects to foster entreprenuerial thinking in both university and highschool level. As example of an ongoing project, Raizner mentioned ifempower, an international project that aims to enable female students to become entrepreneurs. And he announced the launch of Early Innovators Business Plan Competition. This program is open for pupils in age of 15 to 19 years from all Romania.

The venue

Since 2010, Steinbeis centers managed by Jurgen Raizner are involved fin developing the EU Strategy for Danube Region. Thus, Palais Ghica Victoria in Bucharest, were also Steinbeis Romania is headquared and general secretariat of Council of Danube Cities and Regions is located, was reinforced as Center for Cultural Diplomacy. Also known as House of Danube, Palais Ghica Victoria is one of the few historical venues which is open for hosting and servicing initiatives aimed to increase connectivity and competitiveness in Danube region. Concept behind relates on how to preserve the beautiful multi-layered tradition and, of course, the space in which it unfolds, while wellcoming the modern concept of progress: informational society with all its challenges.