Monthly Archives: March 2018

Investment Management Exhibition 2018

Mission IME 2018: Bridging the Investment Gap between EU and China Frankfurt, 20.03.2018: The Investment Management Exhibition (IME) initiates for third time the dialogue among investors and project owners. Regional focus is Central Europe, South Eastern Europe, Ukraine, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Connecting Europe and China – perfectly in line with the One Belt […]

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Moldova. Ready for Business.

On  20th of March 2018, in the premises of the Chamber of Commerce Austria (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich – WKO) were held business to business talks between Moldovian and Austrian entrepreneurs. 50 Moldovian companies presented their readyness to manufacture on behalf of Austrian or German firms. An example for investors: The industrial park ‘Răut’, with focus on […]

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Nürnberg, 10.03.2018: Der Besuch der Fachmesse zeigt, dass auch in traditionellen Sektoren Innovtionen möglich sind: Gewehrschäfte aus Verbundwerkstoffen. Beheizbare Auflagen für Sitze. Solarsysteme zur ortsunabhängigen Stromversorgung. Unternehmen aus Mittel- und Osteuropa müssen diese Chancen erst noch erkennen. Erfreuliches Beispiel: die Gespräche des STZ-Leiters mit

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