Alpine Research and Innovation Capacity Governance – kick-off meeting

A project of Steinbeis Danube Center, Austria Milano, 26.11.2019: Steinbeis project manager Roxana Boboruta attends A-Ring kick-off meeting as observer. A-RING’s main project goal is to establish the basis for an effective and permanent transnational cooperation among different levels and actors, to develop a shared R&I policies for the Alpine Region (AR). The project fosters [...]read more »

Danube Rectors’ Conference Bucharest

Annual Conference 2019 - Consolidating the Role of Universities in Innovation Ecosystems: Challenges and Future Developments Bucharest, 07.11.2019 Organizer: Danube Rectors' Conference Host: "Politehnica" University Bucharest Danube Rectors Conference is a network of almost 70 universities in the Danube Region for fostering academic collaboration and lobby actions towards regional development. In order to perform these [...]read more »

MSCA Presidency Conference 2019

04.–05.06.2019, Bucharest: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions to foster Scientific Excellence Organized under the auspices of Romanian Presidency for EU Council, MSCA 2019 Presidency Conference in Bucharest has reunited more than 200 participants, national or EU experts representing universities, research institutes or private sector, from more than 30 countries. The topics discussed at this meeting aimed to [...]read more »

Knowledge Society and EEII

Jürgen Raizner was invited to take part at the 16th Steering Group Meeting of Priority Area 7 ("Knowledge Society") which was hosted by Serbian coordination team and took place in the Rectorate building of the University of Belgrade on November 22nd and 23rd, 2018. Interesing for the Steering Group Members: the ongoing European Early Innovators [...]read more »

Investment Management Exhibition 2018

Mission IME 2018: Bridging the Investment Gap between EU and China Frankfurt, 20.03.2018: The Investment Management Exhibition (IME) initiates for third time the dialogue among investors and project owners. Regional focus is Central Europe, South Eastern Europe, Ukraine, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Connecting Europe and China – perfectly in line with the One Belt […]

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Role of Science/Technology Parks

Workshop on the role of Science/Technology Parks and Incubators in Innovation Ecosystems Promoting Technology Transfer and Innovation Focus on the Danube and Adriatic-Ionian Macro Regions and the Western Balkan countries Joint Research Centre 23-24 May 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece JRC invited Jürgen Raizner to be speaker at panel “Science / Technology Parks, Incubators and the new […]

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Alpine Space: Meet and Match Forum

Challenges are identified. “Name your mountains” was the title of an workshop about framework conditions for innovation in Alpine Region. In Milan, March 21st/22nd participants from 7 countries  meet to discuss needs for actions.  Funding opportunities are given by Interreg for Alpine Space. Jürgen Raizner is for 2 days in Milan and contributs to the […]

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