Alpine Space: Meet and Match Forum
Challenges are identified. “Name your mountains” was the title of an workshop about framework conditions for innovation in Alpine Region. In Milan, March 21st/22nd participants from 7 countries meet to discuss needs for actions. Funding opportunities are given by Interreg for Alpine Space. Jürgen Raizner is for 2 days in Milan and contributs to the event with experiences in designing and implementing marcro-regional projects. Technology Transfer according the Steinbeis Model is a powerful tool to foster innovation in Alpine Space.
“About 250 private and public institutions representatives came together for two days of inspiring keynotes, lively workshops, and sessions showcasing the programme and project activities. The forum featured latest developments with regard to the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP), synergy and ways of combining funding sources to reach the common objectives for the Alps.” More
The Alpine Space: